суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


I like life lessons.
I think the reason why I enjoy trouble and mistakes is that I always learn something valuable at the end.
but when most people learn something, they usually refrain from making the same mistake twice.
I, however, hear my life lesson and then laugh and do it again.

I know what I should and shouldnapos;t do.
I know right from wrong and the difference between what I know and what I feel.

I say stupid things.
I do even more stupid of things.

and at the end of every night I always tell myself tomorrow will be different, all the while knowing tomorrow will be exactly the same.

when I grow up, ill have so much to tell my children not to do. So much to warn them about.
so many stories..

Its ended but it hasnapos;t at the same time.
it feels like there will never be an end.
im waiting for it. Welcoming it, even.
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artic seals

In�the death of jayson porter, 16 year old jayson tried to commit suicide by jumping from the 7th floor of a bldg.� instead, he ended up c5-c6, partially paralyzed.� however, he still managed to jump a second time as well.� it worked.

i found the novel both realistic and captivating.� it concerned a topic that i have considered on an almost daily basis since puberty:� suicide.� in my pathetic lil 25 yr old existence, very rarely has anyone come close to allowing me to feel understood, justified, accepted, or recognized.� almost constantly, i wonder why i ought to continue living (or, for that matter, whether i ought to continue living).� i have taken psychotropic medication, gone to weekly support groups for more than one year, scoured numerous psych and self help books, gone to many mental health professionals.� sure, it was better than doing nothing, but sooner or later, i returned to the same emotional point.


i wasnapos;t smart enough for what i tried to major in.� i wasnapos;t cool enough for friends.� i wasnapos;t normal enough to work.� i wasnapos;t strong, fast, or bold enough to physically fight.� i feel like iapos;m just not good enough.� huh.� just destiny.� emotional turmoil after emotional turmoil.� i wish that i could fuckinapos; drop dead tomorrow.� noone cares.� no friends.� no family.� i feel so left out, so hopeless.� i fear that iapos;m just gonna end up physically disabled, not just mentally emotionally disabled.� i wanna fuckinapos; shoot myself.

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european air war patches

Today after work Nick and I went to CT Move Mortgage (next to Gem Jewelry) to see about pre-qualifying / getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Thankfully, I can say that neither of our credit scores were seriously affected by our being broke and (on my part, at least)� unemployed while living in PA. My credit score is 656, which I know isnapos;t fantastic, itapos;s about what it was before. With our currently yearly income (me working 34 hours a week at $14/hr, and Nick working 34 hours a week at $9/hr) and our current credit scores we WOULD qualify for the $100,000 mortgage we need IF Nick didnapos;t have an outstanding $5,000 medical bill on his credit report. At first that was pretty upsetting, but I was determined to maintain my optimism and absolute certainty that things will work out.

So, I went home and when my mother got home from picking up Alan from school I talked to her about it. Back when my grandmother passed away, about two years ago, my mother said she would pay off my student loan as my apos;inheritanceapos; from her. She never did it, though, because my loan payments have been deferred since I was an active student. So, I asked her if instead of paying off the student loan (at least in its entirety) I could apos;haveapos; $5,000 of it to pay off his medical bill debt so we could qualify for the CHFA mortgage loan we need. (Which is no down payment, and includes closing fees, etc.) She, thankfully, agreed.

So I called the debt collection company (American Adjustments Bureau) and talked to someone about paying it off and getting a receipt of payment once we do. My mother will be going to the bank tomorrow to take the money out of a CD as a certified bank check or money order. (Any other kind of check will not allow the accounts receivable woman to send us a receipt for payment right away as they take up to 10 days to clear.) I will mail the check to American Adjustments Bureau on Monday.

I called Peter (the loan officer at CT Move Mortgage) to update him on what we had found out and he said 1) that we had resolved the issue very quickly and 2) that with that information he will call Cathy (the realtor) to tell her what Iapos;ve told him when he gets home tonight. He said that she will contact us about putting an offer down on the condo. Nick is worried that with him starting day classes at Porter and Chester next Monday (and his work schedule being affected, possibly) and about us being able to afford it.

The condo is listed at $99,900 (unit D-13). Condo fees are $146/mo and taxes are $19,18/yr. Peter said he thought we would be paying approximately $1,000/month with condo fees and (property) taxes.� That is a bit more than we were paying in the apartment, but still less than we would be paying to rent a 2 bedroom apartment. We will have to work at making it work, we will have to make sacrifices. We will pay for internet, but not phone or cable. (I think the condo complex gives everyone free basic cable, anyway.) We will have to be very conscious about using the heat, hot water, or electricity. We will have to keep the heat at a steady 60 degrees (and freeze our asses off), I will have to take apos;Brushwoodapos; showers (turning the water on and off as absolutely necessary to take my full shower), and being very conscious of how much electricity we use.

Like I said, it will be an adjustment, but it will work. The compromises with phone and cable (and making only minimum credit card payments), at least, can wait until after Nick gets out of school and is making more money. Iapos;m really glad he will be taking day classes since he will probably finish school at the end of July. Thatapos;s only six months of struggling, LOL. It will work out somehow, Iapos;m sure of it. I have to be absolutely sure. I am manifesting this as strongly as I possibly can.

I think the toughest thing will be affording food and baby expenses (diapers, baby food [eventually], etc.). I am expecting that things will just work out somehow and that we may have to at least partially rely on the hopeful generosity of others. I am once again relying on my faith to carry us through.I just hope this time that my faith will be enough. I have to know that it is and will be.

Pray for us and our growing family



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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dump restore linux

6 weeks ago was the last time i crapped around here
thats how long it has been since i last type words other than medical shits
6weeks ago...thats 2weeks and a month.damd.
thats long enuough to change your whole life.


my didnt.it was stagnant.im like trapped in a shithole dem authority called tekong.nah uh (a lil kanye slang in it).it aint fun.i cant possibly see myself trapped there like a constipated stool for a year more atleast minusin off the public holidays.i swear i cant.there aint time for me to sleep much.(hibernation)there aint even time to shower and sing till my skin got all clammy and wrinkled.AND.i dont even have a fixed bed there.im like the roamer there.my first bed.was sprawling with those lizard shits.my another kept having weird sounds when i move.and my last bed...i wouldnt even want to think of it.i saw rats humping on it on one not so fine evening.HOW�DISGARSTING.YES.VERY.n now the current bed,is ffree from thos craps.coz its too freakkky.i bet dos rats wont even dare to ejaculate their botox-able cums.BUT who gives a shit when ure shit tired and sleepy.itapos;ll make u go.."i dont care if ure here to spook or wad shit bt dude or babe im like gna be freaking cranky n u aint gna like it."hahaha....i seriously did dat once.n apparently it didnt spook on me nomore.jus some cameo appearance in the toilet.OH wait i forget im barely there anyway.with 6 duties a month excluding overnight duties outside medical centre...so mathematically.iapos;l only be sleepin there at the most twice a week.OH and the pay dont even remind me.it simply is pathethic.and by pathethic i really mean pathethic esp with the fact that evry costs in the apos;realapos; world is rising.nah-u wouldnt wana hear me start doin politics coz i swear it wont be nice.coz simply ther really is nothing nice to be said.nuff said.
DID you actualli realise how much more whiny and naggy ive became.thats NS for you.boys to man.NO.fast forward.boys to older nag-ier whine-er old man.did i mention crankier?

and the new uniform is FU**ing UGLY.its like fashion suicide.iapos;d rather die than to be caught or seen wearing them outside.it look like some uncle2 pattern gone wrong on baju kurong.argh..i swear i could go on and on without stopping to continue this rant.bt i think dis rant should already meet my bitching ala them girls quota for the rest of the year.so as i end on venus mode.i shall remind you ppl.Im not pms-ing.its just a rant.if its pms.its gona be longer and whinier.believe me.ahahaha...

this f-ed up rants had no freaking intention of cussing anyone nor offendin anyone.if i did along the way.DUDE/BABES im sorry.but hey..lifes a bitch.bitchier then a cheerleader in canteen wif her minis on could ever get.trust me.if theres only one thng im sure abt.its that.soo till den..nytes ppl.WAIT.did anyone even bother reading dis??

ghahaha...disapos;s like so post eminem cd entry.thus d anger n rebellin and vulgar intention.if i say f.i realy meant it to b dat f-ed up.n pardon my french.it seems to b improving.hah.

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authority sport

Heyyyy�� Iapos;m back.�

So yeah, itapos;s been a while.� But I�feel the need to write, and I�donapos;t have my notebook, so I�thought I�would come back here.� Actually I�caapos;t believe that itapos;s still here. So yeah, here I�am... 3 years later. So letapos;s see, in this time, Iapos;ve gotten older.... And I do Tae Kwon-Do now.� Iapos;m a red belt. �Iapos;m still singing. �I do mostly church services, and private functions, like weddings and holiday parties. Iapos;m still finishing school, which is slightly ridiculous; Iapos;ve changed my major three times.��

Tae Kwon-Do is really awesome. �I�love it. �Actually, itapos;s funny, because I�never really thought I�would love something as much as I�loved singing. But I really like it.� I�normally train 5 days a week, but I just recently had a cyst on my tailbone, so Iapos;ve been doing crap. I�aso had nose surgery.� Kinda sucks. But soon Iapos;ll be healed and Iapos;ll be able to get back into everything.�

I�have an amazing boyfriend.� Heapos;s everything I�could ever want in someone x 1,000,000.� Heapos;s a third-degree black belt and the head instructor at my TKD�school. Weapos;ve been together for almost a year.�
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campbell keune realty

Yaaay fall breaaak time to do lots of reading and planning and all that goodness o_o just no class and no work. Woooo. Lol. Sigh. I went to sleep at 9pm yesterday..only to wake up at 12 to brush my teeth and promptly go back to sleep. I need to stop staying up late nights in a row. Itapos;s probably killing brain cells. I slept for a good 10-11 hours last night and Iapos;m still tired. I am so sleeping in tomorrow. The only reason Iapos;m up early today is to go check out the materials at FLI that I can use for the diagnostic teaching session and also to get tickets for Anne-Sophie Mutter :D Oh and also to go pay rent etc etc lol. Woo itapos;s Friday :D
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