пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dump restore linux

6 weeks ago was the last time i crapped around here
thats how long it has been since i last type words other than medical shits
6weeks ago...thats 2weeks and a month.damd.
thats long enuough to change your whole life.


my didnt.it was stagnant.im like trapped in a shithole dem authority called tekong.nah uh (a lil kanye slang in it).it aint fun.i cant possibly see myself trapped there like a constipated stool for a year more atleast minusin off the public holidays.i swear i cant.there aint time for me to sleep much.(hibernation)there aint even time to shower and sing till my skin got all clammy and wrinkled.AND.i dont even have a fixed bed there.im like the roamer there.my first bed.was sprawling with those lizard shits.my another kept having weird sounds when i move.and my last bed...i wouldnt even want to think of it.i saw rats humping on it on one not so fine evening.HOW�DISGARSTING.YES.VERY.n now the current bed,is ffree from thos craps.coz its too freakkky.i bet dos rats wont even dare to ejaculate their botox-able cums.BUT who gives a shit when ure shit tired and sleepy.itapos;ll make u go.."i dont care if ure here to spook or wad shit bt dude or babe im like gna be freaking cranky n u aint gna like it."hahaha....i seriously did dat once.n apparently it didnt spook on me nomore.jus some cameo appearance in the toilet.OH wait i forget im barely there anyway.with 6 duties a month excluding overnight duties outside medical centre...so mathematically.iapos;l only be sleepin there at the most twice a week.OH and the pay dont even remind me.it simply is pathethic.and by pathethic i really mean pathethic esp with the fact that evry costs in the apos;realapos; world is rising.nah-u wouldnt wana hear me start doin politics coz i swear it wont be nice.coz simply ther really is nothing nice to be said.nuff said.
DID you actualli realise how much more whiny and naggy ive became.thats NS for you.boys to man.NO.fast forward.boys to older nag-ier whine-er old man.did i mention crankier?

and the new uniform is FU**ing UGLY.its like fashion suicide.iapos;d rather die than to be caught or seen wearing them outside.it look like some uncle2 pattern gone wrong on baju kurong.argh..i swear i could go on and on without stopping to continue this rant.bt i think dis rant should already meet my bitching ala them girls quota for the rest of the year.so as i end on venus mode.i shall remind you ppl.Im not pms-ing.its just a rant.if its pms.its gona be longer and whinier.believe me.ahahaha...

this f-ed up rants had no freaking intention of cussing anyone nor offendin anyone.if i did along the way.DUDE/BABES im sorry.but hey..lifes a bitch.bitchier then a cheerleader in canteen wif her minis on could ever get.trust me.if theres only one thng im sure abt.its that.soo till den..nytes ppl.WAIT.did anyone even bother reading dis??

ghahaha...disapos;s like so post eminem cd entry.thus d anger n rebellin and vulgar intention.if i say f.i realy meant it to b dat f-ed up.n pardon my french.it seems to b improving.hah.

dump restore linux, dump restore suse, dump rice trailer, dump richmond va.

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